Tuesday, 5 May 2015

A nautical Megan dress

Exams are over, which means I can stop pretending I'm revising (while actually wasting time on the internet) and can instead take full days for crafting. I also felt in need of some new clothes, but in the spirit of handmade, I treated myself to some fabric instead. Let's just pretend it was a reward for finding a tiny bit of motivation to revise and for having to sit down and write essays, by hand, for 3 hours (what was I thinking?).

I was going to be lazy and make another Francoise, possibly a sleeveless version for summer, most probably without trying to modify the size at all. But I feel there has been too much laziness recently so instead I decided to experiment and make the Megan dress from Tilly's Love at First Stitch book. There was always the risk it might be a disaster, in terms of fit, sewing experience etc, and in the spirit of experimentation, I embraced it!

It actually turned out to be not that bad, in fact I am rather keen on it - and I totally love this fabric, I was so glad I bought it. The cotton weight and style of dress (short sleeves) means that it is perfect for spring weather (and, realistically, summer weather in the UK as well!).

Here I am getting ready for a night out at Ultimate Power Ballads!

Of course the fit is not great, and that is completely my fault. I kind of screwed up combining different sizes and initially made the hips far too big and a little too soon, but I was able to fix that by taking in the seams a bit - that much I can handle. Part of the problem in this case is that I got confused while adjusting because the dress pattern comprises separate top and bottom pieces, and I went a big crazy with the tracing. The collar also seems to be too big and gapes at the back a bit, I thought I had done better than my Francoise dress by using the darts for the smaller size in the back to take it in a bit, but that wasn't enough in this case. I do wonder whether I'm cutting too big a size every time out of fear of the dress not fitting? I am debating whether I should go to a class that specifically focuses on alterations for the perfect fit, as I am not able to work out myself how to fix these issues...

Regardless, I may look at this one day and think its poor, but for the time being, loving the new dress :)

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